Terre Haute Wedding Photographer

353Terre Haute wedding Photographer Servisphotographics offers Terre Haute brides the best that Terre Haute has to offer in wedding photography.

Are you getting married in Terre Haute? Who will be your wedding photographer?

Here is a list of things you may want to consider when looking for a Terre Haute wedding photographer.

1) Personality-When selecting a Terre Haute photographer you are selecting more than just someone who can take nice pictures. You are hiring a wedding photographer that will be with you, your family and your wedding party all day long. Personality is a huge part of the selection process and should not be overlooked or discounted in any way.

Your Terre Haute wedding photographer's personality can set the tone for your entire wedding day and your bridal party. You will more than likely be working with your wedding photographer for a year or longer in some cases, by the time you factor in the engagement session and post wedding photography albums.

2) Price- While price is always a factor when selecting your Terre Haute photographer, it should not be the only thing that matters. All too often we hear horror stories from brides who made a decision for their wedding photography based purely on price. It turns out to be a wrong decision since in the end, your wedding photography will be all you have to remember your wedding day.

3) Wedding Albums – What will you do with all your images from your wedding photograper? Most people opt to place them in a beautifully designed album that your wedding photographer should provide you. Don't underestimate the importance of a wedding album from your wedding day. This is your first family heirloom and your most important keepsake that you will have forever to remember your Terre Haute wedding.

When selecting a Terre Haute wedding photographer, you should look for an album that best represents you and your new family. Wedding albums come in all shapes and sizes. Questions you should ask your Terre Haute wedding photographer are: 1) How many pages come in the wedding album? 2) How many images will be in the wedding album? 3) What leather options are available for my wedding album?

4) Coverage – Something often overlooked when selecting a Terre Haute wedding photographer is the number of hours that will be offered during the co173verage of your Terre Haute wedding.Typically you will want your wedding photographer to be with you to document all the moments of your wedding day. After all, that's what you are hiring them for. That being said, typical coverage requirements for your wedding day should be about 8 – 10 hours. Be careful here, some Terre Haute photographers offer cut rate prices by offering you less than adequate coverage for your day. These become hidden costs.

5) Number of People covering your wedding – How many people will be at your event covering your wedding? Most events need at least two people covering your wedding, one taking the majority of the pictures and the other setting up the shots, making sure the wedding party (especially the children) are set correctly and also making sure the right people are on hand to be in the pictures. We work as a team at your event to make the picture taking process smooth, fast and efficient. We schedule the photography with you before your wedding day so that the pictures will interfere as little as possible with your special day.

6) Freestyle Photography – At Servisphotographics Photography, we encourage our brides and grooms to suggest pictures and poses they would like. We like to be very creative and get romantic as well as fun shots which will make your special day even more memorable. We allow you to choose your family members/friends to be included in your shots, it is your wedding and we try very hard to make it a special day for you.

7) Equipment –  Does your photographer use professional equipment, Cameras, Lens and strobes? At Servisphotographics we use5D-III-dual-cards2professional cameras with dual card slots that take two images each time an images is captured.  This allows for backup during  your special day, so nothing is lost by having a bad memory card in the camera or if something happens after the event.  Also most of our lens are professional grade fast lens that will all us to take images in very low light with little to no lights if needed during some ceremonies that the officiant or event location does not allow flash photography during the ceremony.

Servisphotographics Photography is a Terre Haute, Indiana photographer offering wedding photography in the Wabash Valley.

For more information about this Terre Haute wedding photographer, please visit www.servisphotographics.com or call us at 812-233-3684, and set up a no-obligation meeting. If you just want to know more fill out our Contact form

Note: Color of the year is Silver Sage for 2019.